Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

At Dulais, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of ethical business conduct, including the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking. This statement outlines the measures we take to combat these practices in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Modern slavery encompasses various forms of exploitation, including slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, and human trafficking. These practices represent serious crimes and violations of fundamental human rights.

Our Commitment
Dulais is steadfast in its commitment to identifying, preventing, and addressing modern slavery and human trafficking within our business operations and supply chains.

Organisational Structure
Dulais provides sustainable laundry and dry cleaning services across North East England, UK. We recognise that combating modern slavery requires collaboration with all stakeholders, including employees, partners, and suppliers.

Our Policies
We maintain strict policies that set clear expectations for our suppliers and partners to respect and uphold human and labour rights. These policies include:
● Ensuring compliance with minimum living wage standards.
● Prohibiting child labour.
● Promoting safe working conditions and labour rights.
● Regularly reviewing and updating our supplier requirements to address potential risks.

Due Diligence
Our approach to due diligence is guided by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) principles. Key actions include:
● Risk Identification: Actively identifying and mitigating risks of adverse human rights impacts within our operations and supply chains.
● Impact Mitigation: Addressing and resolving issues that may cause or contribute to human rights violations.
● Remediation: Providing mechanisms to remediate any adverse impacts our operations may cause, directly or indirectly.
● Advocacy: Promoting human rights awareness among employees, suppliers, and partners.
● Transparency: Regularly reporting on our human rights efforts and progress.
Through our due diligence process, we have identified areas of higher risk in our supply chain, particularly concerning forced labor, discrimination, and child labour.

Prevention Measures
To safeguard against human rights violations, we implement the following measures:
● Internal Audits: Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with human rights and labour standards throughout our supply chain.
● Working Condition Improvements: Take proactive steps to enhance conditions for workers and protect their rights.
● Capacity Building: Support management and workers in creating a strong foundation to uphold and protect labor rights.
● Supply Chain Engagement: Continuously strengthen our understanding of human rights risks and engage with stakeholders to address them.
Our goal is to foster an ethical and transparent supply chain that prioritises the dignity and well-being of every individual involved.

For further information about our efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking, please contact us at